
For a quick answer to your questions, please consult our page Help.

Our customer service is available Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm to respond to all your requests and our telephone line is also available Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12 pm

As a result of the current situation, we suggest you to contact us by e-mail completing the form below.
You must contact your airline or travel agency in advance if you wish to cancel your trip.
  • By mail
  • By phone



*mandatory fields
Our team is available to help you choose your travel insurance.
  • AVI Paris Office (FRANCE)+33 (0)1 44 63 51 00
  • AVI Madrid Office (SPAIN)+34 917 909 889
In case of emergency contact our assistance service available 24/7.
Where can I find the number?
  • In your personal account
  • On your insurance documents received by email
  • In the AVI International mobile application
