What is the age limite to have an Au Pair insurance ?
From 16 and until you are 30 years old.
How the prove that I am an Au Pair ?
When asking for a refund of your expenses, some documents will be asked to prove your status abroad, like the enrollement with an au pair agency and your valid visa. The insured must proved their status registration from the french organization such as URSSAF or LA DIRECCTE or equivalents abroad.
Can I be a au pair in my own country ?
Your au pair contract must be done in a foreign country for you, meaning outside your permanent resident country.
Can I purchase an au pair insurance contract ?
The au pair participant or the host family can subscribe to the international health contrat.
As an Au Pair would I be cover if I go back home ?
Yes, you will be covered with the Avi Insurance contract for a maximum of 30 days of holidays back in your home country.