au pair travel insurance

Full coverage package for your Au Pair experience in France or abroad

Au Pair health
travel insurance

from 26 € / month

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why choose this AU PAIR HEALTH coverage ?

  • From 26€/month and coverage from 1 to 12 months, renewable up to 24 months.

  • Coverage without deductible:
    - Medical expenses in case of illness (hospitalization, treatment and medical care, prescriptions and analysis)
    - Repatriation assistance and emergency return transportation
    - Luggage insurance and personal liability abroad (including for your Au Pair activities)

  • Certificate of Au Pair insurance mentioning medical coverage for illnesses including Covid-19 or accidents sent by e-mail upon subscription for your Au Pair visa application.

  • A Covid-19 Assistance pack including:
    - Teleconsultation before leaving and Psychological help
    - Hotel fees and Local Phone Plan in the event of quarantine
    - Emergency suitcase, Groceries delivery and Housekeeping services

  • 30-day coverage in your home country during your vacations.

  • For the Au Pair : reimbursement of hotel expenses in the event of a transfer to another family and reimbursement of school fees in case of early return.

  • For the Host Family : reimbursement of membership fees in case of cancellation, repatriation or early return of the Au Pair.

  • Digital Wallet : direct access to your Au Pair insurance documents, repatriation assistance certificates and emergency contacts as soon as you subscribe online.







Good to know

The main limits of coverage on travel insurances are : any illness and/or injury that has been diagnosed and/or treated by continuous hospitalization, day hospitalization or outpatient hospitalization during the 6 months prior to his/her departure, consequences of the use of medication, drugs, narcotics and assimilated products not available by prescription and of the abuse of alcohol as well as any deliberate act by the insured that may trigger the coverage of this contract.
Note: coverage is not applicable in countries in a state of civil or foreign war.

What are the main benefits of the au pair insurance ?

  • Assistance COVID-19

    Medical expenses / Hospitalization (prescriptions, M.D., hospital) 1 000 000 €
    Medical evacuation to home country Unlimited
    Extended stay / Quarantine 80 € / Night / Insured - Maximum 14 Nights
    Emergency suitcase 100€ / Insured
    Local Phone Plan Up to 80€
    Groceries delivery Maximum 15 days and 1 delivery per week
    Housekeeper 15 Hours spread over 4 weeks
    Psychological help after quarantine 6 Calls
  • Medical, dental, psychological expenses

    Medical expenses / Hospitalization (prescriptions, M.D., hospital) Up to 1 000 000 €
    Medical expenses (prescriptions, M.D., hospital) during temporary breaks of less than 30 consecutive days in the home country Up to 25 000 €
    Psychological / psychiatric illness 3 calls or reimbursement of psychiatric or psychological doctor fee up to 200 €
    Pregnancy expenses 75% of medical expenses
    up to 3 500 €
    Waiting period 180 days
    Emergency dental coverage 500 € per year
    Dental orthodontics necessitated by accident
    420 € per tooth / 1000 € per year
    Sending medicines abroad Shipping cost
  • Travel expenses - repatriation

    Expenses for searches and rescue 2 000 €
    Medical evacuation Real expenses
    Evacuation of the insured to the medical center Real expenses

    Family member visit in case of hospitalization of the insured for + 3 days

    1 person : Round trip ticket and lodging expenses (Up to 1 900 €)

    Family member visit in case of hospitalization of the insured for + 7 days

    2 people : Round trip ticket and lodging expenses (Up to 3 300 €)
    Emergency return of the Insured in case of death or serious illness of a relative
    Return ticket
  • Third party liability coverage including during Au Pair activities

    Personal injury Up to 4 500 000 €
    Damage to property Up to 450 000 €
    Damage to property in the Host Family Up to 500 €
  • Assistance coverage

    Cash advance (in case of theft of your means of payment) 1 000 €
    Renewal expenses in case of key loss
    40 € per key ring and per year
    Advance payment of bail 3 000 €
    Legal fees 10 000 €

    Reimbursement of hotel expenses in case of transfer of the Insured Au Pair to another Host Family

    50 €/night
    Maximum 6 nights
    Reimbursement of tuition fees in case or early return of the Insured Au Pair (medical evacuation, emergency return home for a covered reason) Maximum 400 €
    Prorata Temporis

    Refund of management fees to the Host Family in case of cancelation or interruption of the Insured Au Pair due to illness/accident/medical evacuation and no substitute available
    Maximum 350 €
    Compensation to the Host Family in case of:
    - Hospitalization more than 3 days of the Insured Au Pair
    - Medical evacuation, early return, Au pair replacement and during the time gap before the arrival of another Insured
    (not due if the Host Family rejected a replacement)
    25 €/day
    Maximum 400 €
  • Accidental disability

    Disability compensation (according to pertcentage of disability) Up to 75 000 €
    Disfigurement compensation Up to 11 900 €
  • Assistance in case of accidental death

    Repatriation of remains Real cost
    Funeral expenses including casket or urn expenses
    2 500 €
    Presence of a close contact in the event of death Round-trip ticket €100/Night Maximum 3 nights
    Death compensation 10 000 €
  • Transportation delay and luggage insurance

    Transportation delay (more than 24 hours) Max 420 €
    Theft, loss, damage to luggage 2 500 €
    Valuable items 500 €
    Luggage delay
    175 € per person

Your questions, our answers

  • Au pair insurance Canada

    "I will be moving to a new host family, but I have to wait 3 days before my transfer."Laura

    Your hotel expenses will be paid up to 6 nights.

  • Au pair insurance UK

    "I broke my host family’s TV in London! HELP! "Cathalyne

    Replacement of damaged items up to € 500

  • Au pair insurance Australia

    "What if I break my leg while running with the kids?"Michèle

    Reimbursement of medical expenses in real costs.

Is this au pair policy made for me ?

What is the age limite to have an Au Pair insurance ?

From 16 and until you are 30 years old.


How the prove that I am an Au Pair ?

When asking for a refund of your expenses, some documents will be asked to prove your status abroad, like the enrollement with an au pair agency and your valid visa. The insured must proved their status registration from the french organization such as URSSAF or LA DIRECCTE or equivalents abroad.


Can I be a au pair in my own country ?

Your au pair contract must be done in a foreign country for you, meaning outside your permanent resident country.


Can I purchase an au pair insurance contract ?

The au pair participant or the host family can subscribe to the international health contrat. 


As an Au Pair would I be cover if I go back home ?

Yes, you will be covered with the Avi Insurance contract for a maximum of 30 days of holidays back in your home country.