From Cape Town to Kapp with Teresie and AVI travel insurance
28/09/2017Going home after several years in Cape Town, Teresie is biking to Kapp, her home town in Norway, and covered with AVI travel insurance. Discover more about Teresie and her project here!
On her way from Cape Town to Kapp by bike, acrose the Karoo and Botswana as a start, Teresie just cycled across the world's largest salt pans, even all the way to Lusaka in Zambia for a salty adventure.
Teresie enthusiastically tells us more about her world-biking project in her interview below :
Hello Teresie, could you please introduce yourself?
Hello! Yes of course. I'm Teresie Hommersand, a 31 year old Norwegian girl that after living six years in Cape Town is now moving back to Europe in one of the slowest but most exciting ways possible - on a bicycle!
When did you start traveling around the world?
I got my first real taste of world travel when I was 16. I did a one year high school exchange outside of Portland, Oregon, in the USA through AFS.
Since then, I've lived in Australia, Uganda and now most recently called South Africa home.
What is your current project From Cape Town to Kapp about?
Prompted by climate change and wanting to reduce my carbon footprint, I'm cycling back to Norway instead of flying! About 17,400km - from the most southern point on the African continent to the most northern point in Europe. And I'm loving it!
To add more meaning to the trip, I will very soon start screening film along the way, using a solar cinema! The screenings will be a mix of fun movies to entertain and entertaining movies about locally relevant environmental and climate change issues with the aim to exchange knowledge, raise further awareness and inspire people to take action. Central to this is the ways that everyone can contribute to solving these challenges in their contexts.
As if that's not enough, I'm also raising funds for two awesome projects in Kenya that mitigate climate change and improves the socio-economics of households in the communities they are based. It's all about urban recycling in Nairobi and fuel-efficient cooking stoves in the Kakamega Forest region. Soma, the bicycle company I got my bicycle from is even in on it!
For every article I write for them about my trip, they're donating $100 to these rad projects. How cool is that? If you want to take part and learn more, check out my website and say hi! @
What is your best discovery/experience on this trip so far?
Wow, so many! Where do I start? That from a distance the uphills always looks worse than what they are? That all the beautiful moments come about because of the people I meet? The importance of enjoying every pedal stroke, even if the wind is strong and head on! This once in a lifetime experience will be over so quickly (relatively speaking), therefore I must enjoy every moment!
Why did you choose to travel with AVI travel insurance?
Because the price and coverage suits me to the teeth. As simple as that.
Any advice for others that want to travel the world by bicycle?
Just do it! It's such an awesome way to see the world. Your mode of transport really influences what you experience when you travel. Who you meet and how you interact. When people see you on a bicycle they instantly open up and welcomes you with open arms and so much curiosity and excitement!
As a result you get different, unique, heartfelt, random, spontaneous and real experiences and connections. That's what we are looking for, right? And, in addition, it's powered by 'natural ass', not climate gas ;-)
AVI travel insurance